Put some Welsh Wedding Traditions in your day!

We’re all trying to stay positive during this difficult time. We’ve had to postpone all of my May and June weddings, and I’m sure many couples have shared a stress tear or two! Weddings will happen, we just have to wait. And it gives us more time to plan! This blog is going to be about some Welsh Wedding Traditions, maybe you could even incorporate some in your Welsh wedding? As your celebrant, I can refer to all, some or none in your ceremony. So, as you plan your day, think about which Welsh Wedding traditions you’d like on your wedding day.

Tradition of the Myrtle Flowers

Traditionally, a Welsh bride will carry Myrtle leaves in her bouquet. Myrtle flowers represent good luck in marriage and marriage fidelity. This stems from Greek mythology wherein Venus visited the Island of Cytheraea and was embarrassed that she was naked and couldn’t present herself to the public. To hide herself, Venus hid behind a Myrtle tree and since then she has adored the tree. Thanks to Venus, the Myrtle tree became the ultimate symbol of love and partnership, the Greeks even planted Myrtle trees across the country to inspire positive energy.

Have you incorporated anything into your wedding to inspire positivity and luck in your nuptials? It might be a little superstitious, but it can’t hurt!

A bridal Bouquet with Myrtle and native flowers

A very natural looking bouquet with myrtle for luck and fidelity https://unsplash.com/photos/FOw1hgHiWP0
© Jordan Whitfield


We all enjoy waking up to birdsong, but a Welsh bride believes that being awoken by birdsong on her wedding day is especially lucky. Birds celebrate the coming of dawn by singing their praise to heavens. Some folk believe that God send birds in the form of angels, spirit guides, or animal totems. Hearing birdsong on the morning of your wedding could be the universe praising you on your decisions and giving you luck as you start a new chapter.

A bird on a branch singing to give luck to a bride in welsh wedding tradition

Listen for birdsong on your wedding morning https://unsplash.com/photos/TxkisEuUs7w © Andy Holmes


You read it right! Traditionally, the bride’s family would ‘kidnap’ the bride just before the ceremony and it was the duty of the groom and his family to find her again. Some also believe that whoever actually freed the bride would be married themselves within the year. According to the German tradition, the best man takes the bride on a pub crawl and leaves hints for the groom as to where to find them – and the groom has to foot the bill when he finds his beloved!

Beers for German wedding tradition

This is one tradition Welsh Brides may adopt! https://unsplash.com/photos/3mrJcQ0pJZM © Cristiano Pinto

To Be or Not to Be

Another tradition in Wales is that of asking God whether you are ‘meant to be’ or not. A courting couple places a shovel on top of a fire puts two grains of wheat on top of the shovel. If the grains pop off together that’s seen as a blessing to continue their coupling into matrimony. However, if the grains jump separately, that signifies that the couple should lead separate lives. it’s a no-go! Would you trust your future to the hand of some grains?

A Traditional Welsh bride

Put your fate in the grains of wheat! https://unsplash.com/photos/3mrJcQ0pJZM © Cristiano Pinto

A Celtic Ceremony “Tradition”

As your celebrant, I can refer to all, some or none of the Welsh traditions I’ve talked about here. Or as you can see elsewhere on my site, we can go for “Celtic” tradition such as handfasting , or candle lighting, it’s up to you!

Handfasting hoop and broom foe celtic wedding traditions

Handfasting or jumping the broom are other Celtic traditions

Are you including any odd traditions in your wedding or has this inspired you to include some? Leave a comment below and let me know if there are more Welsh traditions that I’ve missed! There will be another blog soon detailing Santes Dwynwen and her importance to all Welsh lovers out there