Candle – Lighting; Simple yet deeply symbolic.
In this latest piece in a series on ceremonies and symbolism, we’re looking at lighting candles. As I wrote when talking about sand-pouring, adding symbolic elements to a special day is the perfect way to put your unique stamp on the occasion. Using a celebrant gives you more freedom to do this. You can give your special occasion an added resonance that you and your guests will never forget with this simple act!
The Power of Light
Since ancient times, the use of ceremonial flame has been an important feature of many faiths. In some Christian churches, candles are often lit in prayer or in memory of a person and a flame can signify the presence of God. They are also used to mark the passing of time during festivals. As a child, I remember my family lighting the candles on our wreath each Sunday during Advent. (Though I must admit I was less concerned with the symbolism of the flame than how close we were to Christmas)!
Warmth and light from the sun are the foundations of life. Fire holds a special place in our consciousness. This is why the lighting of candles can be an incredibly powerful ritual. Whatever your beliefs, the symbolism of a flame can have a significance that is personal to you. From formal or religious settings to the more casual and homely, light represents different things to different people.
It’s amazing how candlelight can transform an atmosphere, creating a sense of significance and occasion. Birthdays are the obvious time when we use candles to define ceremony. But even something as simple as a family meal becomes extra special when bathed in soft candlelight. In the chilly winter months, my children would often decorate the weekend dinner table with candles. Lighting candles was our way of signifying that these weekend mealtimes were times to be cherished.
Contact me to find out more about using candles in your ceremony.
How do we use candles in celebrant-led ceremonies?
The coming together of two lights into one is beautiful in its simplicity. The bride and groom, each holding a taper of their own, meld their flames to light the wick of a single candle. This one, stronger flame symbolises their love and lives burning brighter as they face the future together. It’s always wonderful to see how this ritual can evolve, taking a form that is personally meaningful to each couple.
Many Lights from One Flame
Shelley and Mike’s special day was made all the more touching when the bride and groom invited their parents, bridesmaids and best man to light candles from the central flame the couple had created together.
They symbolically brought light to the lives of their loved ones and warmth to their hearts. And their nearest and dearest showed their warmth and love, supporting the couple on their journey through life.
The central wedding candle held a special significance on the day. Shelley and Mike also envisaged that it would play a part in nourishing and strengthening their relationship in the future. They committed to lighting the candle if there were times in the future when they “needed to talk”.
On a more positive note, you can reignite your wedding candle on each anniversary! This is a lovely way to reconnect with the happy memories and promises made on your wedding day. Nurture the light, respect its symbolism and rejoice in its creation. This is a powerful way to reaffirm the love and unity of marriage as the years go by.
Dedicate Candles to Loved Ones
Personalising candles adds an extra special touch to the ceremony and is also a thoughtful way of including loved ones who are unable to join the celebration. Kirsty and Garod movingly incorporated candles decorated with the initials of lost and absent grandparents into their Winter Wedding ceremony. In a touching tribute to a grandmother who was too frail to attend, the couple lit their tapers from a candle dedicated to her. Their light then combined to ignite a candle bearing their own initials – the central flame in the candelabra representing their love and union.
Contact me if you’re interested in having this deeply meaningful tradition within your ceremony.
Naming Ceremonies
Celebrating a new life is a hugely important day for any family. When thinking about your naming ceremony, why not consider lighting a candle decorated with the child’s initials? Candles symbolise the light of life. They help guests focus on the special promises made or the general celebration of this momentous day. You can also add a deeply personal and powerful dimension to what is already a special day using a candle. What child wouldn’t love a tradition of lighting their special candle on every birthday or anniversary of their naming ceremony?
Lighting a candle in memory of those we have lost is deeply rooted in many cultures. Within funerals I’ve led, the symbolism of a brightly-burning candle has brought great comfort to grieving family and friends. A particularly poignant example of this was the funeral of a local bee-keeper. The steady flame of a single beeswax candle burning throughout the ceremony was an especially moving and wonderfully personal element.
The beauty of symbolic practices such as candle-lighting is that they can mean whatever you want them to. We are all delightfully different! While some symbolic rituals might not be your cup of tea, others may be exactly what you’re looking for! I hope this insight into different rituals will help you create a ceremony that is truly unique to you.
If you’d like to find out how I can make your ceremony special, please contact me – “it’s good to talk”!
Thank u for the info about candle lighting I ve learned so much ,even tho we ve done it so many times in honour of our dear loved ones who had passed.Our bereavement support group will be lighting candles too,tomoro at our final session,as we remember with luv nd light.
Lighting candles never grows old. “Luv nd light” says it all xx
Thank you for this blog about candles and its symbolism. I was able to understand the purpose of using them.
Pleasure, I’m glad you enjoyed reading it!